Food 360 Farm to Fork

Get Your Career On

FamilyCook has created a four week, intensive Farm-to-Fork Job Training program teaching the basic skills you need to begin a career within the 360 degrees of the food system:

  • Culinary Skills & Food preparation (for production kitchens and restaurants/catering)
  • Food Harvesting
  • Composting

We help you identify your interests and work toward your goals.

Our program will introduce you to a variety of food careers, and we will have field trips that let you see first hand how different food businesses operate. You will meet and learn from food professionals who have their own businesses and are looking for new staff with skills. After successfully completing our program we will aid in your transition in to an internship where you can continue to expand your skills and professional network. View our Program Goals!

Interested in applying to this program?

Contact Us!

Do you own an awesome food business in NYC? Need an intern? Contact us at


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