What People are Saying

Parents, Kids and Educators Speak Out…

Look Who’s Cooking 3rd Grade Student, Samiya

Cooking class has encouraged me to cook more at home because I learned my way around the kitchen and I like cooking – I think it’s nice to cook for others!

Willow Students’ Parent, Laura R.

My girls (ages 2 and 4) were in your Willow class last week. We have made and served bunny salad almost a half dozen times since then! Ellie went shopping with my husband on Sunday and she INSISTED that he buy kale. Skeptical, he bought it, and the girls made it for us that night. We’ve been gobbling it up ever since. I just had some now! It was supposed to be for lunch, but I couldn’t wait.

Teen Battle Chef Student’s Parent

My daughter is generally shy and self conscious about her weight. I have been amazed at how she has changed because of this program. She is motivated to have a career in food and hence, be a better student. She is eating more of the healthy things I am trying to provide and her self confidence in public, doing those battles is amazing – thank you for including my daughter in your leadership program.

Look Who’s Cooking Instructor, Reiko, 4th Grade Teacher

The program was a fabulous supplement to the Native American curriculum and provided memorable references for us in class.

Teen Battle Chef Student

[TBC] had a good impact because it wasn’t just eating healthy… it was… a lifestyle change, …being open and making time to do things that are … important for you…make you feel good.

Teen Battle Chef Instructor

My students were all smiles the entire day. What a great way to gently nudge students out of their comfort zone and experience ideas, cultures, and cuisines that were once unbeknown to them. I love to see the learning process extend beyond the classroom!


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